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The Ontario Municipal Board replaced by The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal

OMB replaced by LPAT

Today we heard that the government is taking action to overhaul the land use planning appeals system to give communities a stronger voice and ensure people have access to faster, fairer and more affordable hearings.

In the coming weeks, legislation will be introduced that, if passed, would create the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to replace the Ontario Municipal Board. The new tribunal would be mandated to give greater weight to the decisions of local communities, while ensuring that development and growth occurs in a way that is good for Ontario and its future.

Significant aspects of the upcoming bill will include provisions to:

  • Eliminate lengthy and costly “de novo” hearings for the majority of planning appeals.

  • Create a new agency, the Local Planning Appeal Support Centre, to provide free information and support and representation at the tribunal to citizens who want to participate in the appeal process.

  • Exempt a broader range of major land use planning decisions from appeal, including new Official Plans, major Official Plan updates and detailed plans to support growth in major transit areas.

Proposed process

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